Customized Promotional Products to Represent Your Brand!

Syringa Boutique is your one-stop shop for promotional products and business gifts. With 1,000s of selections, Syringa Boutique offers branded merchandise to fulfill all of your needs.

Everything Your Business Needs to Look Great

Unique, Custom and Local

Who We Are

Syringa Boutique is dedicated to helping businesses and individuals find the perfect customized apparel or accessory.

We offer a selection of laser engraving, embroidery, screen printing and direct-to-garment printing options to help bring your vision to life. With our Dun & Bradstreet high credit rating, nation-wide access to most products and competitive pricing schedule designed for profit margin optimization, you can trust us with custom orders that will be delivered on time and without any hassle. Our mission is to make it easy for everyone who needs personalized products and services so that they can share their unique stories in style while staying on budget. Our vision is to become an industry leader in quality customization services for companies around the world.

How We Help Businesses

Business Branding

Promotional Items

Giveaway Items

Business Signage